Competition FAQs

  • Where can I find division standards?

    Check out the division standards on our Competition Corner page here:

  • Is there a qualifier?

    No, in our inaugural year, all community divisions will register via Open Registration for the TYR WZA SoCal. This means spots are on a first-come, first-served basis. Athletes are invited to race to claim their spot directly on the SoCal competition floor.

  • Do I get a coaches pass?

    No, each athlete and each team gets one (1) weekend spectator pass.

  • As a competing athlete, will I have access to watch the other divisions or do I have to purchase an additional ticket?

    Yes, all competing athletes will have access to watch all divisions including the TYR Cup.

  • Does my family get any free tickets?

    Unfortunately, athlete families do not get free tickets. You can purchase extras here.

General FAQs

  • When do tickets go on sale?

    Tickets are LIVE! Grab yours here.

  • Can I get a refund for my ticket?

    Unfortunately, no. All Sales are FINAL. No Refunds, Exchanges, or Rain Checks are allowed.

  • Can I buy tickets at the door?

    Yes! You can buy tickets at the door. We recommend buying in advance.

  • What are the age restrictions for having a ticket to enter?

    All attendees 10 years old and up need a ticket. We recommend that all children under 18 attend with an adult and all children under 13 MUST be accompanied by an adult.

  • What happens if it rains?

    The TYR Wodapalooza SoCal is a rain-or-shine event!

  • How do I register to be an exhibitor?

    Fill this out and our team will reach out with more information.