Competition FAQs
Where can I find division standards?
Check out the division standards on our Competition Corner page here:
Is there a qualifier?
No, in our inaugural year, all community divisions will register via Open Registration for the TYR WZA SoCal. This means spots are on a first-come, first-served basis. Athletes are invited to race to claim their spot directly on the SoCal competition floor.
Do I get a coaches pass?
No, each athlete and each team gets one (1) weekend spectator pass.
As a competing athlete, will I have access to watch the other divisions or do I have to purchase an additional ticket?
Yes, all competing athletes will have access to watch all divisions including the TYR Cup.
Does my family get any free tickets?
Unfortunately, athlete families do not get free tickets. You can purchase extras here.
General FAQs
When do tickets go on sale?
Tickets are LIVE! Grab yours here.
Can I get a refund for my ticket?
Unfortunately, no. All Sales are FINAL. No Refunds, Exchanges, or Rain Checks are allowed.
Can I buy tickets at the door?
Yes! You can buy tickets at the door. We recommend buying in advance.
What are the age restrictions for having a ticket to enter?
All attendees 10 years old and up need a ticket. We recommend that all children under 18 attend with an adult and all children under 13 MUST be accompanied by an adult.
What happens if it rains?
The TYR Wodapalooza SoCal is a rain-or-shine event!
How do I register to be an exhibitor?
Fill this out and our team will reach out with more information.