TYR CUP workouts
event ONE
Presented by
4 Rounds For Time
18 Synchro C2B
HSW O-Course, YGIG
12 Synchro KB Deadlifts (124, 88lb)
24/18 Echo Bike Cals - At Same Time
12 Synchro KB Deadlifts
HSW O-Course, YGIG
Time Cap: 22 Minutes
This is a for time workout with teams of 4, 2 men and 2 women.
Teams will complete 4 rounds of 18 (4-person) synchro chest to bar pull-ups, handstand walk O-Course by each athlete, 12 (4-person) synchro KB deadlifts (124/88), Echo calories by each athlete (24/18), another set of 12 (4-person) synchro KB deadlifts (124/88) and then finally another handstand walk O-Course by each athlete. Teams will continue in this fashion for a total of 4 rounds.
The score is the time to complete 4 rounds.
Time cap is 22 minutes.
The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout.
If both teams time cap, the team with the most completed reps will win this eventMINIMUM WORK REQUIREMENT: None
event TWO
Presented by
For Time
24 Alternating Wall Walks
3 Rounds of:
18 Worm Push Press
12 Worm Squats
6 Worm Thrusters
18 Alternating Wall Walks
2 Rounds of:
18 Worm Push Press
12 Worm Squats
6 Worm Thrusters
12 Alternating Wall Walks
1 Round of:
18 Worm Push Press
12 Worm Squats
6 Worm Thrusters
This is a for time workout with teams of 3, same gender.
Teams will complete 24 alternating wall walks followed by 3 rounds of 18 worm push press, 12 worm squats, 6 worm thrusters. Then 18 alternating wall walks followed by 2 rounds of 18 worm push press, 12 worm squats, 6 worm thrusters. Finally, 12 alternating wall walks followed by 1 round of 18 worm push press, 12 worm squats, 6 worm thrusters.
*note: 6 worm burpee penalty if the worm touches the ground during the set of 18,12, 6 worm movements.
Teams will be allowed to set the worm down after the completion of each set of worm thrusters.
The score is the time to complete this workout.
The time cap is 18 minutes.
The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout.
If both teams time cap, the team with the most completed reps will win this event
At the completion of the 3 rounds
At the completion of the 2 round
event three
Presented by
For Total Combined Load
1RM Snatch
1RM Clean & Jerk
This is for a total combined load with 1 male and 1 female from each team.
Each athlete will have 3 attempts at completing the heaviest successful snatch and then 3 attempts at the heaviest successful clean & jerk. Each athlete will have a 45 second lifting window to perform their lifts.
The score is the accumulated total of their heaviest successful lifts, of both the male and female athletes per team. -
The score for this workout is the team's total sum weight (in lbs) of each athlete’s heaviest successful lift.
event four
Presented by
For Total Combined Time
3000m Assault Row
60 Burpees Over the Worm
3000m Run
This is a for time individual workout performed by 3 male athletes and 3 female athletes from each team at the same time.
Each athlete will perform a 3000 meter assault row, 60 burpees over the worm and finally a 3000 meter run.
The score is the sum of each individual athlete's total time.
Time cap is 45 minutes.
The score for this workout is the team's sum of each individual athlete´s time.
event FIVE
Presented by
For Total Reps
2:00 Max Rope Climbs
2:00 Max Freestanding HSPU
2:00 Max Ring Muscle-ups
2:00 Max Freestanding HSPU
2:00 Max Rope Climbs
1:00 Rest b/w Movements
This is a max rep workout consisting of 1 male and 1 female from each team.
Pairs will have:
2 minute for max reps rope climbs, followed by a 1 minute rest.
2 minutes for max free standing handstand pushups, followed by a 1 minute rest.
2 minutes for max reps ring muscle ups, followed by 1 minute rest.
2 minutes for max free standing handstand pushups, followed by a 1 minute rest.
2 minute for max reps rope climbs.
The score is the total reps completed by the pair.
The score for this workout is the total reps completed for the team
Total number of rope climbs completed
event SIX
Presented by
For Time
FF pair performs:
72 Dball over the Yoke (150, 100lb)
72 Weighted GHD Sit-ups
72 Ping Pong Wallballs
72 Cal Ski (36/36)
Right into...
MM pair performs:
72 Cal Ski (36/36)
72 Ping Pong Wallballs
72 Weighted GHD Sit-ups
72 Dball over the Yoke
This is a for time workout with 4 person teams consisting of 2 males and 2 females.
Female pair will complete 72 Dball over the yoke, 72 weighted GHD sit-ups, 72 ping pong wall ball shots and finally 72 total calories on the ski erg (36 calories per athlete).
Male pair will complete 72 total calories on the ski erg (36 calories per athlete), 72 ping pong wall ball shots, 72 weighted GHD sit-ups, and finally 72 Dball over the yoke.
The score for this workout is the time for the team to complete the workout.
Time cap is 22 minutes.
The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout.
The time to complete the workout for the female pair
event SEVEN
Presented by
For Time, Head to Head
BMU / Clean Ladder
F1 vs. F1: 21 / 155-165-170-175-180
M1 vs. M1: 21 / 245-255-265-275-285
F2 vs. F2: 15 / 175-180-185-190-195
M2 vs. M2: 15 / 265-275-285-295-305
F3 vs. F3: 9 / 190-195-200-205-210
M3 vs. M3: 9 / 285-295-305-315-325
This is a head-to-head workout for 3 male and 3 female athletes on the team.
Each athlete will go head-to-head against another athlete from each team.
Each round will consist of bar muscle ups and a 5 bar clean ladder with increasing load.
Each round will decrease the number of bar muscle-ups and increase the weights of the clean ladder.
Each winning athlete will earn 1 point for the team for this workout.
The score is the team with the most points.
In the case of a tie, the sum of each individual athlete's total time will be the tie break.
Each heat winner will receive one point for the team
The score for this workout is the team with the most points at the end.
The total cumulative time for the team
event EIGHT
Presented by
320 RXSG Heavy Drag Rope Dubs
3,200lb Equipment Move
1,000lb Alpaca Drag
320 RXSG Heavy Drag Rope Dubs
1,000lb Alpaca Drag
3,200 Equipment Move
This is a for time workout with teams consisting of all members.
The team's objective is to move all the assigned weighted implements from the competition floor to the designated drop area and then back again.
The implements of various loads include sandbags, d-balls, worms, and sleds.
The team will perform 40 unbroken double unders to release an athlete to begin moving implements.
Any athlete can perform the doubles.
Any athlete can be released, however, teams must alternate genders.
Athletes will continue in this fashion, any athlete performing 40 unbroken doubles to release an athlete (alternating genders for the release), until all 8 athletes are moving implements or all the implements have been moved to their designated drop area.
When moving the implements;
Sleds must go last and be dragged.
D-balls must be rolled
All other implements can be moved in any fashion
Once all sleds are at the designated area, the team will move back to the jump rope area to begin round 2.For round 2, one athlete performs 40 unbroken heavy drag-rope double-unders and then will be released to begin moving implements to the designated drop area. The next athlete (opposite gender) will perform 40 unbroken heavy drag rope double unders and then will be released. Teams will continue in this fashion, alternating genders, until all athletes are released or all the implements have been moved.
In round 2, when moving the implements;
Sleds must go first and be dragged.
D-balls must be rolled
All other implements can be moved in any fashion
Time will stop once all the implements have been moved in round 2.
*If an athlete fails to complete a set of unbroken double unders, another athlete can jump in to try, but the last athlete remaining must do a complete set of double unders in order to be released.
The score is the time to complete the workout.
Time cap is 22 minutes.
The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout.
If time capped, the team who has moved the most amount of implements will win.
event NINE
Presented by
One M & One F Each For Time
Test 1 - 50/40 Cal Echo Bike
Test 2 - 50 Bar-Facing Burpees
Test 3 - 500m Assault Run
This is a for time workout consisting of 1 male and 1 female from each team.
Males will go head to head to complete 50 calories on an echo bike5:00-10:00
Females will go head to head to complete 40 calories on an echo bike10:00-15:00
Males will go head to head to complete 50 bar facing burpees15:00-20:00
Females will go head to head to complete 50 bar facing burpees20:00-25:00
Males will go head to head to complete 500 meters on an assault runner25:00-30:00
Females will go head to head to complete 500 meters on an assault runnerThe score is the team's sum of each individual athlete's total time to complete each movement.
Time cap is 5 minutes per movement.
Each movement winner will receive one point for the team
The score for this workout is the team total time.
The total cumulative time for the team
event ten
Presented by
For Time
Wall Facing Strict HSPU
Burpee Box Jump Over (30, 24in)
Shoulder-to-Overhead (155, 105lb)
BB Back Rack Lunge (Meters)
2 minute rest
Box Jump Over (30, 24in)
Alt. SA Dumbbell Snatch (80, 55lb)
SA DB OH Lunge (Meters)
This is a for time individual workout performed by 3 males and 3 females from each team
Each athlete will perform 9 wall facing strict handstand pushups, 9 burpee box jump overs (30”/24”), 9 shoulder to overhead (155/105) and a 9 meter barbell back rack lunge (155/105). Followed by a round of 15 reps/meters and then 21 reps/meters. At the completion of the round of 21s, athletes will have a 2 minute rest before beginning the second part of this workout.
The second part of this workout, each athlete will perform 21 toes to bar, 21 box jump over (30”/24”), 21 alternating dumbbell snatches (80/55) and a 21 meter dumbbell overhead lunge (80/55). Followed by a round of 15 reps/meters and then 9 reps/meters.
The score is the team's sum of each individual athlete's total time to complete this workout.
Time cap is 22 minutes.
The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout
If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus 1 second per missed rep
At the completion of the 21 meter back rack lunge
event eleven
Presented by
For Time
1200m Assault Run
9 Legless Rope Climbs
60 Synchro Overhead Squats (135, 95lb)
This is a for time pair workout performed by the captains from each team.
Each pair will perform 1200 meters on an assault runner (split in any fashion), 12 legless rope climbs (split in any fashion), and finally 60 synchro overhead squats.
The score is the teams time to complete the workout.
No time cap.
The score for this workout is the time it takes to complete the workout
If time capped, the score will be the time cap plus total completed reps